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Spielstil, Transfers: Das muss die neue BVB-Führung angehen (BVB)

Motzki09, Ort, Mittwoch, 24.04.2024, 10:04 (vor 12 Tagen) @ SebWagn


Although the team is more efficient and stable than at the start of the season, major vulnerabilities vs. opponent's pressing are still clearly recognisable. The team often struggles against deep blocks.

To solve this problem, BVB is looking for a strong playmaker number 6. New players are to be brought in on the (defensive) wing. There is also a need for optimisation in the forward line

Restructuring the team will cost a lot of money. The appointment of Sven Mislintat and the promotion of Lars Ricken are a clear sign that the focus should be on young players capable of development. The focus should increasingly be on foreign countries.

Klingt gut, allerdings haben wir uns bisher eher schwer getan Talente im Defensivverbund einzubauen. Das hat offensiv besser funktioniert. Siehe Merino, Belerdi etc die Ja auch alle jetzt gut abliefern.

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