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Warum der BVB das Augsburg-Spiel nicht verlegt (BVB)

SebWagn, HH Harvestehude, Mittwoch, 24.04.2024, 14:27 (vor 11 Tagen) @ Redaktion


On the one hand, they did not want to discuss the possibility at all in order not to give the players an alibi. At the same time, they want to stay in rhythm. And for the game against Augsburg, the team does not have to travel as it is a home game.

According to DFL rules, German teams must submit an application for a change of date five weeks before a match. This would therefore not have been possible for Dortmund, as they only beat Atletico Madrid a week ago.

However, the DFL can change the date at short notice for overriding and legal or for organisational or safety reasons. The match could have been postponed because it would help German football, for example. However, rescheduling is only permitted in extreme emergencies.

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