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Zahlen aus UK: Schüler und Delta (Corona)

Alones, Montag, 28.06.2021, 16:02 (vor 1031 Tagen) @ Djerun

Letztlich sollten sich Eltern aber überlegen, ob sie ihre Kinder nicht doch impfen lassen wollen, sagt Immunologe Watzl. Das fordert auch Lauterbach, der hier die Ständige Impfkommission (Stiko) in der Pflicht sieht, die Empfehlung für Kinderimpfungen zu überdenken. »In Großbritannien sind bereits viele Kinder mit Covid in der Klinik. Die Ständige Impfkommission argumentiert, dass Covid für Kinder harmlos sei. Für die Delta-Variante gilt dies meiner Ansicht nach aber nicht«, so der Experte.

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There are no official figures on this, although leaders in the area of child health have refuted suggestions made by members of the Scottish government that children were now more at risk from covid-19 and that many had been admitted to hospital.

Steve Turner, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health registrar and consultant paediatrician at Royal Aberdeen Children’s hospital, said, “As it stands there are very few children in hospital in Scotland and across the whole of the UK due to covid. We’re not seeing any evidence of an increase in paediatric admissions with covid. A very small number of admissions who test positive for covid is what we’d expect.

“Our experience over the last 15 months is that many children who test positive have come into hospital for something else, like broken bones. At the moment the situation in the UK is stable. The number of children in hospital with covid remains very low.”

Quelle: (British Medical Journal)

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