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USA: Sinifikanter Anteil Jüngerer auf den Intensivstationen (Ärzteblatt) (Corona)

BukausmTal, Wuppertal, Samstag, 21.03.2020, 16:32 (vor 1516 Tagen) @ Fluegelflitzer

Trump sagte: "And that's where the FDA has been so great. They -- they've gone through the approval process; it's been approved. And they did it -- they took it down from many, many months to immediate."


"Chloroquine has not been approved by the FDA to treat the coronavirus -- and nor has any other drug, the FDA made clear in a post-briefing statement that said "there are no FDA-approved therapeutics or drugs to treat, cure or prevent COVID-19.""

Trump hat wieder gelogen

Trump und dein Vorredner sind halt Brüder im Geiste. Allerdings lügt letzterer geschickter.

Anscheinend so geschickt, dass du seine Lügen nicht mal benennen kannst.>

Sollte ich mal viel Langeweile haben, sammel ich mal deine Zitate...

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