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Umfrage: 6 von 10 Wählern halten beide für peinlich (Politik)

SebWagn, HH Harvestehude, Samstag, 13.07.2024, 13:19 (vor 53 Tagen) @ Gargamel09

The new survey by Pew Research Center, conducted July 1-7 among 9,424 adults, including 7,729 registered voters, finds that both Biden and Trump are widely viewed as flawed, though in different ways. And nearly seven-in-ten voters (68%) say they are not satisfied with their choices for president.

Among the survey’s major findings:

Most voters describe Trump as “mean-spirited.” Trump trails Biden on honesty and, by a narrower margin, on empathy. And about twice as many voters describe Trump as mean-spirited (64%) as say that about Biden (31%).

Majorities of voters describe both Biden and Trump as “embarrassing,” with identical shares (63% each) saying this about each candidate. A third or more of each candidate’s supporters – 37% of Biden supporters and 33% of Trump supporters – say their own candidate is embarrassing.

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