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Den USA droht Anfang Oktober ein Government Shutdown (Politik)

Kutte92-, Münster, Donnerstag, 19.09.2024, 10:08 (vor 62 Tagen) @ Ulrich

Wenn der Shutdown wirklich kommen sollte, könnte das der Todesstoß für Trump im Wahlkampf sein.


The history of government shutdowns suggests that the party with control of the House — which has initial responsibility for the public purse — usually pays the biggest political price. And if the speaker cannot beat a deadline of October 1 to fund federal operations, the government could partially shut down.

The former president isn’t in the habit of asking Republican Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell for advice. But the Kentucky veteran warned on Tuesday that “the one thing you cannot have is a government shutdown. It’d be politically beyond stupid for us to do that right before the election, because certainly we’d get the blame.

Allein schon deshalb kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass die Republikaner es so weit kommen lassen.

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